The Blog

Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Mesothelioma Awareness Day Seeks to Paint the Town Blue

National Mesothelioma Awareness Day is just around the corner — Saturday, Sept. 26. Organizers are asking everyone who supports greater awareness of mesothelioma to wear blue that day. Blue shirts, blue pants, blue blazers, blue neckties, blue bandanas, blue socks, blue hats, blue facepaint or blue fingernail polish, you name it. If it’s blue and if

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FDA Clears Path for Promising Mesothelioma Drug Research

FDA Clears Path for Promising Mesothelioma Drug Research

A drug developed by a San Diego, California, company to fight prostate cancer turns out to be even more effective against mesothelioma. As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in August granted the medication what’s known as orphan drug status. That could be very good news for doctors and patients eager to

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Mesothelioma Treatment Researchers Deserve Praise For Ingenuity

Mesothelioma Treatment Researchers Deserve Praise for Ingenuity

Say what you like about the quantity of mesothelioma treatment research, but you’ll have to admit the quality is remarkable. In fact, it’s ingenious. It seems like every week there’s news of mesothelioma researchers figuring out another innovative approach for attacking the cancer. Case in point: the targeted mesothelioma treatment drug FP-1039/GSK3052230. Chances are, FP-1039/GSK3052230

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A Dog’s Sense of Smell Can Improve Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Can Dog’s Smell Cancer? Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Having mesothelioma stinks. A mesothelioma diagnosis is terrible news for the patient and loved ones.  Not just figuratively, but literally. Like all cancers, mesothelioma gives off a unique scent. You can’t smell it, it’s so faint. But a dog can. For that reason, researchers are hoping to train man’s best friend to be mesothelioma’s worst

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Radiation to Stop Mesothelioma Seeding Study Urged

Renal Cancer Drug Temsirolimus Looks Promising for Mesothelioma

Temsirolimus is a mesothelioma drug you may not have heard of before. Chances are, however, you’ll be hearing quite a bit about it in the future. One reason you may not have heard about it is that it’s not a mesothelioma drug. Not yet, not officially. However, temsirolimus appears to be very good at causing

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Mesothelioma Slowed by Isolated Thoracic Perfusion Plus Chemofiltration

Mesothelioma Slowed by Isolated Thoracic Perfusion Plus Chemofiltration

Sometimes, how mesothelioma chemotherapy is delivered is as important for getting a good result as is which drugs are used. A recent German mesothelioma study attests to the truth of this. The research involved giving a group of test patients cisplatinum and mitoxantrone through a method called isolated thoracic perfusion with chemofiltration, ITP-F, for short.

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Science Finds It Helps to Keep the Faith in Mesothelioma Fight

Science Finds It Helps to Keep the Faith in Mesothelioma Fight

If you’re a combat vet, you probably remember that there are no atheists in foxholes. That may or may not be true when the battlefield shifts from the Khe Sanh Valley to the mesothelioma surgery center. But what is true is this: the closer to God you feel, the better off you’ll be in the

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Mesothelioma Mystery Drug Appears to Stop and Prevent Tumors

Mesothelioma Mystery Drug Appears to Stop and Prevent Tumors

Australian researchers are working on what is being called by some a miracle mesothelioma treatment. The researchers are tight-lipped about the new therapy. But so far it is said to have stopped mesothelioma tumor growth in up to 80 percent of lab specimens tested. Even better, the mystery medication appears to prevent new mesothelioma cells

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Testing of New Mesothelioma Drug CRS-207 May Be Accelerated

Testing of New Mesothelioma Drug CRS-207 May Be Accelerated

Results from a Phase 1b clinical trial of a new mesothelioma immunotherapy drug have been very encouraging. So now Aduro Biotech, Inc., the maker of CRS-207, is asking to skip Phase 2 and go straight to Phase 3 testing. The company says it hopes to leapfrog Phase 2 in order to expedite CRS-207’s journey through

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Some Biomarkers Are Better for Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Some Biomarkers Are Better for Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Researchers at the University of Chicago have identified no fewer than five molecular markers which they contend serve as the most reliable mesothelioma diagnosis signs. Researchers believe these markers, more than others, indicate that you have early stage mesothelioma. The markers include p16, calretinin, WT-1, cytokeratin 5/6, and D2-40, also known as podoplanin. The insights

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