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High ERCC1 Expression May Mean Longer Mesothelioma Survival

High ERCC1 Expression May Mean Longer Mesothelioma Survival

Mesothelioma patients scheduled for chemotherapy followed by an extrapleural pneumonectomy tend to survive mesothelioma longer if a certain gene is found to be highly expressed. The gene is excision repair cross-complementing group 1, more commonly called ERCC1. As the name implies, this gene is involved in the repair of damaged DNA. When you have mesothelioma,

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Inflamed Mesothelioma Tumors and Immune Escape

Inflamed Mesothelioma Tumors and Immune Escape

Researchers have taken a big step toward better characterizing your mesothelioma. Doing so will help mesothelioma specialist doctors score immediate homeruns with the medicines they choose. A big problem for them — and you — is that they can’t really be sure if a treatment will be the most effective choice. It might be. Then again, it

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Cellular Proteins p-mTOR and p-S6RP Signal Longer Mesothelioma Survival

Cellular Proteins p-mTOR and p-S6RP Signal Longer Mesothelioma Survival

Mesothelioma patients who have a high expression of two encoded proteins — p-mTOR and p-S6RP — tend to enjoy longer mesothelioma survival following extrapleural pneumonectomy. This appears to be true even when radiation therapy is not administered after the surgery. Researchers in Japan made this observation in the course of investigating mTOR signal pathway activation in mesothelioma

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More Aggressive Chemo Can Extend Peritoneal Mesothelioma Survival

Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma can be more successfully combated if it is attacked with more aggressive forms of chemotherapy following cytoreductive surgery. Long a standard of care for peritoneal mesothelioma, cytoreductive surgery involves multiple peritonectomy procedures intended to clear the abdomen and pelvis of all visible traces of mesothelioma. The surgery is often paired with hyperthermic

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Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma Responded to Trabectedin-Based Chemo

Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma Responded to Trabectedin-Based Chemo

Encouraging news for sarcomatoid malignant pleural mesothelioma patients comes now from Italy. Researchers have found that the mesothelioma chemotherapy drug trabectedin kept nearly 30 percent of patients alive and mesothelioma progression-free for at least 18 weeks. That may not sound like a long time, but it is if you have the sarcomatoid type of mesothelioma.

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ARQ 197 Helps Stabilize Some Peritoneal Mesothelioma Patients

ARQ 197 Helps Stabilize Some Peritoneal Mesothelioma Patients

A mesothelioma chemotherapy agent known as ARQ 197 was found to keep close to half of peritoneal mesothelioma patients stable for greater than nine months after treatment, according to a research team led by scientists at the University of Chicago. ARQ 197 — also known as tivantinib — was being tested against both peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma

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BAP1 Confirmed as a Good Focus of Mesothelioma Drug Research

BAP1 Confirmed as a Good Focus of Mesothelioma Drug Research

Scientists believe they now have compelling evidence to support theories that mutated BAP1 genes are where the action’s at when it comes to treating mesothelioma with advanced therapeutic agents. Researchers from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in New York City recently announced the results of an investigation confirming that there is a high prevalence of

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Sex Hormone Levels May Affect How Long You Survive Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is no respecter of sex. Even though mesothelioma is seen as a men’s cancer, the fact is it also strikes women. But mesothelioma is not an equal-opportunity killer. As mesothelioma researchers have noted, women who develop mesothelioma tend to survive longer than men. This has led some mesothelioma experts to hypothesize that the better

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Bevacizumab Increases Chemotherapy’s Potency Against Mesothelioma

Bevacizumab Increases Chemotherapy’s Potency Against Mesothelioma

The mesothelioma chemotherapy cocktail served most often by mesothelioma specialist doctors to mesothelioma patients like you is a blend of two agents: pemetrexed and cisplatin. Among mesothelioma specialist doctors, this is referred to as the gold standard of mesothelioma care. Pemetrexed together with cisplatin has held that status since 2003. The combination is also the

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Why Mesothelioma Strikes Only Some Asbestos Exposure Victims

Why Mesothelioma Strikes Only Some Asbestos Exposure Victims

Just about everyone stricken by mesothelioma was at some point in the past exposed to asbestos. But not everyone exposed to asbestos develops mesothelioma. In fact, only about 10 percent of asbestos-exposure victims fall prey to mesothelioma. Scientists haven’t yet been able to satisfactorily explain why this is so. Increasingly, though, they believe it’s because

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