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Mesothelioma Anti-Vasculature Agents Work Better Together

Mesothelioma Anti-Vasculature Agents Work Better Together

Two anti-angiogenic agents are better than one when it comes to disrupting mesothelioma tumor growth and slowing down the cancer’s progress. Researchers from Hyogo College of Medicine in Japan revealed last month that using multiple anti-angiogenic factors as gene therapy agents increases effectiveness against mesothelioma because this approach permits an attack on more than one

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Mesothelioma Fears Appear After Crayons and Toys Test Positive for Asbestos

Mesothelioma Fears Appear After Crayons and Toys Test Positive for Asbestos

Better check to see which brand of crayons your grandkids are using when they color. Those crayons might contain asbestos. If so, then your grandkids are at risk of developing mesothelioma when they grow up. Time Magazine in early July reported that a consumer protection group recently tested crayons sold at a pair of national

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Aspirin Might Be the Best Mesothelioma Drug

Aspirin Might Be the Best Mesothelioma Drug

If an international team of researchers is right, then one of the potentially best mesothelioma prevention and treatment drugs has been sitting in your medicine cabinet this entire time. It’s aspirin. Yes, you read that right. Ordinary aspirin. The little pill you’ve taken for years to get rid of headaches is apparently also good for

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Signs Point to T Cells As Mesothelioma Treatment of the Future

Signs Point to T Cells As Mesothelioma Treatment of the Future

You’ve read a lot lately about T-cell therapies looking like they might be the wave of the future in mesothelioma treatment. They definitely are, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT took a long, hard look at T-cell therapy in the June 18 issue of its journal, MIT Technology Review. In the journal’s

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Mystery Surrounds Near-Disappearance of Mesothelioma from Patient

Mystery Surrounds Near-Disappearance of Mesothelioma from Patient

Mesothelioma treatment researchers in Australia have a big mystery on their hands. It seems that for one mesothelioma patient in a clinical trial of microRNA delivered by nanocells the asbestos cancer has practically vanished from his body. The researchers conducting the clinical trial say the degree of improvement experienced by this mesothelioma patient is unheard

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Mesothelin Still Beats Fibulin-3 as Mesothelioma Biomarker

Mesothelin Still Beats Fibulin-3 as Mesothelioma Biomarker

The best biomarker for telling whether pleural effusions mean you’ve got mesothelioma continues to be soluble mesothelin, according to fresh research from Australia. Mesothelioma diagnosis experts had been hoping that another biomarker — fibulin-3 — might prove even better than mesothelin when it comes to cancer-detection from little more than an effusion sample. That hope has diminished

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Drug from Deep Underwater Aims to Torpedo Mesothelioma

Drug from Deep Underwater Aims to Torpedo Mesothelioma

The same South Pacific waters where many U.S. sailors and aviators died in combat during World War II are now yielding hope for a sarcomatoid mesothelioma drug that could help you live longer. The mesothelioma drug is trabectedin. It comes from a coral-like creature that dwells at the bottom of the ocean. A European pharmaceutical

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Mesothelioma May Be Treatable With Non-Meso Drugs

Mesothelioma May Be Treatable With Non-Meso Drugs

Medical scientists have noticed that gene mutations found in mesothelioma are sometimes also found in other types of cancer. This observation has led them to theorize that a drug proven to work well on a certain type of cancer, such as breast cancer, should also work well on mesothelioma. At least it should if the

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Avoiding Skin Reactions from Mesothelioma Chemotherapy

Avoiding Skin Reactions from Mesothelioma Chemotherapy

Mesothelioma chemotherapy can make you itch and break out in a rash, or cause you any number of other skin problems. Thankfully, there are remedies to relieve such side effects. Now, scientists are looking more closely at one of those available remedies. They have come up with a better way to take pemetrexed if it’s

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Surgery Is Best Hope for Longer Mesothelioma Survival

Surgery Is Best Hope for Longer Mesothelioma Survival

If you’re thinking of having mesothelioma surgery, the findings of a recent study might help make it a little easier to come to a decision. Researchers report that mesothelioma surgery gives you a better hope of extending your survival than any other mesothelioma treatment currently available. The researchers came to this conclusion about mesothelioma surgery

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