The Blog

Vaccine Syringe

Mesothelioma Vaccine Made From Listeria Germ Passes Test

Fighting fire with fire is the idea behind a novel mesothelioma therapy derived from the sometimes fatal germ listeria. Usually, you run into listeria in the kitchen. If your food is contaminated by it, it can cause illness ranging from nausea and diarrhea to convulsions and even death. Unlike mesothelioma, though, listeria isn’t guaranteed to

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Radiation Therapy

Mesothelioma Not Stopped By Radiation Therapy

You’re unlikely to live longer by including radiation therapy in your fight against mesothelioma, a University Hospital Zurich study asserts. The study, presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology congress in Madrid, suggests that your best bets are mesothelioma surgery plus chemotherapy. Current ESMO president and the study’s lead author Rolf A. Stahel, M.D.,

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Panicking After Mesothelioma Diagnosis Leads to Bad Choices

One of the biggest mistakes you can make right after learning you’ve got mesothelioma is to allow yourself and your loved ones to panic. According to one mesothelioma expert, you’re apt to choose less-effective mesothelioma treatments and survival strategies if you decide these things while in the grip of fear. Mary Hesdorffer, M.S., N.P., executive

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Mesothelioma Immunotherapy Trial Accepting Enrollees

Georgia Regents University’s (GRU) Cancer Center in Augusta, Georgia, wants to hear from you if you have unresectable mesothelioma and would like to help test a new immunotherapy vaccine. The catch is that you must have previously received mesothelioma chemotherapy, but not more than twice. GRU recently announced it has opened a Phase 2 mesothelioma

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Mesothelioma Researchers Hope Spice Leads to Treatment

The discovery that it may be possible to treat mesothelioma with a drug derived from an Asian spice has researchers at Case Comprehensive Cancer Center in Ohio savoring the taste of triumph. Their findings appear this week in the print edition of the journal Clinical Cancer Research. Joined by colleagues from the Georg-Speyer-Haus in Frankfurt,

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Macrophage Ratio Shift Could Doom Mesothelioma Tumors

Dutch scientists are theorizing that mesothelioma can be beaten by upsetting the balance between macrophage types found in each mesothelioma tumor. Macrophages should be seen as a therapeutic target in the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, contend the researchers from Erasmus MC Cancer Institute in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in the peer-reviewed online journal PLOS ONE.

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Jazz Great Joe Sample Didn’t Let Mesothelioma Slow His Tempo

Although mesothelioma this month claimed legendary jazz pianist Joe Sample, the founding member of The Crusaders never once let the disease stop him from living life to the fullest. Sample, 75, who received treatment from top mesothelioma clinic MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, was until recently on a concert tour with Louisiana-style zydeco band

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7 Ways to Make This Mesothelioma Awareness Day Count

September 26 is National Mesothelioma Awareness Day in the U.S. In 2014, it falls on a Friday, although many mesothelioma awareness-building activities are set to unfold over the following weekend. You might be wondering how you can join in and lend your voice to this year’s countrywide chorus of Americans concerned about mesothelioma. It’s as

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Mesothelioma Blood Vessel Growth Caused by Gene’s Signals

Discovery of a gene that helps mesothelioma take delivery of nourishing blood could open the door to a new type of mesothelioma treatment. The find was made by researchers at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. It was reported in the journal Nature. Specifically, discovery of the gene answers many questions scientists have

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Researchers Tell Mesothelioma Cells to Shut Up and Go Away

Researchers think they’ve hit upon a tricky way to stunt or even stop pleural mesothelioma cell growth. They’ve got a gene that tells the cancer to shut up when it comes to the expression of mesothelin. Mesothelin is a protein contained in the healthy mesothelial cells that make up the lining of the chest and

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